Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Runebound game day three

Well, it is finally finished, I think this game logged a total of 3.5 hours over a period of 3 days, not too bad for a game of runebound, This game is definitely much better as a 2 player game, more then that and there is just too much down time and the game takes way too long.

Sheila ended up winning this one, allthough I must say it could have went either way, she was level 16, I was level 14, we both had two dragon runes, so it came down to being a race to see who could get the last one. I was sitting right next to a red, but could not roll a forest to get on it (not that I think about it, I could have just not rolled and moved right onto it, oh well) anyway, Sheila used a teleport card she had and moved onto the red adventure that I was trying to get too, she wiped it up very easily for the win. After she beat it, I tried my hand at the same monster and sure enough I would have been able to kill it as well, but Sheila was the winner.

I think I like this variant we tried where we started out at level 4 with one random armor and weapon each, we drew until we got one that was 6 gold or less, I started with a Weapon :Mace(6 gold), and an Armor: Gauntlets(4 gold), and Sheila started with a Weapon:Dagger(2 gold) and an Armor:Suit(5 gold) oh and by the way, I was Runewitch Astarra, and Sheila was Mad Carthos. Anyway, this variant to start the game seemed to work out pretty well, and I think we may just use it again next time we play, Sheila was killed only one time, and I managed to never get killed.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Runebound game day two

We are on Day two of our game, we are using the new market variant where when you do a market step you can choose between weapons, armor, allies or magic items, it seems to be working really well, and I don't think I will ever play this game again without this variant.

We also tried a new thing on this game, we each started with 3 level up tokens (one each of mind, body and spirit) which essentially makes us start the game as 4th level, we also each randomly drew one weapon and one armor of 6 gold or less, and we removed all the green adventure markers that were not on a sunburst.

I must say that this game started out feeling like we did not need to do any green's at all, which is good because we were trying to figure out a way to shorten the game. So far it seems to be working rather well, and just might be a good variant for advancing the game at the beginning.

Sheila has already attempted a red, and it was Margoth, she certainly had the potential to kill him, but she rolled really bad on one of the defense rolls which killed her right off, after adding all her bonuses from items and such, she was still just one away from blocking his hit. She lost her money and her highest cost item which was the teleport rune. I think she only got to use that once.

So far it is a pretty close game, Sheila is level 10, And I am level 7, I think Sheila is sitting a little better then me, but I still I'm still in the game and it could go either way, I guess we will find out tomorrow when we hopefully finish this one.

Monday, July 24, 2006


Well, after trying very hard to get Sheila to play Carcassonne with me, we ended up playing (starting) a game of Runebound. We are going to finish it tomorrow, but I'm glad weare playing it because I am remembering now how fun this game really is, as long as you are not playing with more then two players it goes pretty smoothly and without as much downtime.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


This is Kirby Our parotlet, The battle on the bridge.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Weekend of Friday july 7th

This was the weekend that Sam Healey from The Dice Tower (A board gaming podcast) joined us for a game session, we played Gemblo and Citadels. This is Scott , Mike and I playing Carcassonne on Sunday.